Covid-19: self-tests now sold in supermarkets



Article written by

A.Sylvain, Florival, J. Jonas, J. Debraux, A.Tranchant – France 3

France Televisions

In response to the shortage in pharmacies, self-tests have been sold since Wednesday, December 29, in supermarkets. Customers are mostly reassured at the idea of ​​being able to get tested before New Year’s Eve.

Barely authorized, and already on the shelves. In a hypermarket in Île-de-France, the self-tests were eagerly awaited, in the afternoon of Wednesday, December 29. A client even claims to be “come to the mall on purpose”. The box of 5 tests costs 9.75 euros, against 20 to 25 euros in pharmacies.

For mass distribution, this is a victory. She had been battling for weeks with pharmacies, which accuse her of not offering advice to customers. “The self-test is so easy to use that objectively you follow the few steps written on the instructions, and you immediately get the result”, Stefen assures Bompais, director of customer experience for Carrefour France hypermarkets.

The efficiency of the self-tests would however be only 92% for a symptomatic person. “Even if their sensitivity is less good than a PCR test, it still helps protect people”, considers Professor Philippe Amouyel, epidemiologist at Lille University Hospital (North). The store has already passed around 150 tests.

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