COVID-19 report | The number of hospitalizations drops below 2,000

The number of beds occupied in connection with COVID-19 in Quebec drops below the 2000 mark. The province observes a drop of 57 hospitalizations on Saturday, but reports 31 new deaths.

Posted at 3:46 p.m.

Lea Carrier

Lea Carrier
The Press

The province reported Saturday a drop of 57 hospitalizations, including an increase of four patients in intensive care. The health network now has 1,994 occupied beds across the province, including 64 in intensive care.

In addition, Quebec has recorded 31 additional deaths, bringing the total number to 15,137 since the start of the pandemic.

Authorities are also reporting 1,072 new COVID-19 infections. Remember that these figures probably only reflect a part of the total infections due to the limited access to PCR screening tests.

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