COVID-19 report | Six deaths, 30 fewer hospitalizations

Hospitalizations linked to COVID-19 and the number of patients in intensive care continue their descent across Quebec on Wednesday, when the province reports six additional deaths.

Posted at 11:01 a.m.
Updated at 1:39 p.m.

Henri Ouellette-Vezina

Henri Ouellette-Vezina
The Press

These six additional deaths bring the daily average to around 16, which represents a small drop of 2% over a period of one week.

In the health network, there was a further drop of 30 hospitalizations in regular care on Wednesday, which translates into 67 new entries and 97 exits. To date, 1,222 patients nevertheless remain hospitalized in connection with COVID-19, 69 of whom are still in intensive care, a decrease of eight cases in 24 hours in this regard (4 entries, 12 exits).

For the time being, the 1,222 people hospitalized represent a decrease of 12% compared to last week. The drop is 16% over a week in intensive care.

Authorities are also reporting 1,426 new cases of COVID-19, bringing the daily average to 1,124 over a seven-day period, down 7% over one week. However, it should be remembered that the limitations imposed on screening make these data much less representative.

On Monday, Public Health nevertheless carried out 15,132 screening tests, a relatively stable figure compared to the weekly average. The positivity rate is still around 9.9%. So far, more than 104,700 rapid tests have also been “self-declared” on the platform of the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS), of which more than 81,750 presented a positive diagnosis.

On the vaccination side, the Quebec campaign continues to slow down. On Tuesday, just 4,940 additional doses were administered, of which more than 3,380 were third doses. The province currently administers about 6,800 doses per day, a figure that is constantly falling, but it is still slowly but surely approaching the bar of 18.8 million doses administered since the start of the pandemic.

  • Percentage of Quebecers who received a dose: 86.6%
  • Percentage of Quebecers who received two doses: 82.5%
  • Percentage of Quebecers who received three doses: 49.1%

In the metropolis, virtual information sessions on vaccination against COVID-19 for young people aged 5 to 17 are to be given in five languages ​​next week. Topics such as the importance of vaccination, vaccine hesitancy and the booster dose in young people aged 12 to 17 will be covered in each session held in French, English, Creole, Arabic and Spanish.

“With the health restrictions in effect for the past few weeks, vaccination against COVID-19 remains important in order to protect against new variants,” said the CIUSSS du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal in a letter. sent to parents of students on Tuesday.

With Pierre-André Normandin and Marie-Ève ​​Morasse

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