COVID-19 report | 61 more hospitalizations, 11 deaths

The increase in COVID hospitalizations continues on this Easter Monday in the province, officially crossing the bar of 2,220 patients in the health network. Meanwhile, Quebec is also reporting 11 additional virus-related deaths.

Posted at 2:16 p.m.

Henri Ouellette-Vezina

Henri Ouellette-Vezina
The Press

These 11 new deaths reported on Monday bring the daily average calculated over seven days to 22. The trend is up 14% over a period of one week.

There are also reports on Monday of 61 new hospitalizations linked to the disease in the Quebec regular care network. To date, 2,220 infected people therefore remain hospitalized, which represents an increase of 24% over one week.

Of the number, the authorities however identify six patients less than the day before in intensive care. That said, the 95 patients represent a 38% increase from the previous week.

On the current trend, the number of people in hospital is expected to continue to increase over the next few days, with the number of admissions continuing to outpace discharges. On average, there are 61 more patients every day.

Finally, Public Health reports 1,504 new cases of COVID on Monday, bringing the daily average to 2,633. The trend is thus down 16% over one week. It should be remembered that these figures, however, probably only reflect a part of the total infections, due to the limited access to PCR screening tests.

Quebec currently administers approximately 32,000 doses per day on average, of which a large majority, approximately 28,000 of them, are fourth doses. So far, 86.7% of Quebecers have received one dose of vaccine, 83.1% now have two and 51% of the population has received their third dose.

Note that no other data on COVID-19 was available on Monday, with access to government figures remaining very limited due to Easter Monday, a public holiday.

With Pierre-André Normandin, La Presse

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