COVID-19 report | 20 new hospitalizations, 19 deaths

The specter of a sixth wave is increasingly felt in Quebec with a new increase in cases. The province recorded Saturday 20 hospitalizations and 19 deaths more than the day before.

Posted at 4:55 p.m.

Lea Carrier

Lea Carrier
The Press

Authorities reported 2,216 new COVID-19 infections on Saturday, bringing the daily average calculated over seven days to 1,724. The trend is thus up 52% ​​over one week. It should be remembered, however, that these numbers are underestimated due to limitations on screening.

The province also reported an increase of 20 occupied beds related to COVID-19, despite a drop of four intensive care patients. The 1,068 people hospitalized represent an increase of 7% over one week. In intensive care, the 55 patients represent a 31% increase over one week.

The 19 additional deaths bring the daily average to 10. The trend is down 20% over seven days.

So far, 50% of Quebecers have received their booster dose against COVID-19. Nearly 83% of them received two doses, and more than 86% received a single dose.

With the collaboration of Pierre-André Normandin, The Press

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