Covid-19: pharmacies can open on Sundays to speed up the vaccination campaign



France 2

Article written by

S. Soubane, J. Gal, S. Giaume, D. Chevalier – France 2

France Televisions

While France is reaching its epidemic in this fifth wave, the recall campaign continues. To speed it up, pharmacies are authorized to open on Sundays.

Doing your booster dose of vaccine in pharmacies on Sunday is now possible. For the time being, few professionals are responding to the call, due to a lack of personnel or of pre-doseordered. But in the morning of Sunday, December 12, in front of a Parisian pharmacy, the vaccinated of the day welcome the initiative.It’s very useful“, testifies a man.

Since the start of the booster campaign, 14.3 million people have received a third dose. At the same time, contaminations continue to increase: 50,000 cases on average were recorded this week. This important figure could stabilize soon.It is likely that we will reach a peak of contamination in the days to come. After this peak, the number of Delta variant cases is expected to drop“, estimates Pascal Crepey, epidemiologist.

– Covid Tracker

– General Directorate of Health

– Ministry of Health

Non-exhaustive list.


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