“We are certainly in a much better position today than at any time during the pandemic,” the WHO director general observed on Friday.
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Covid-19 will soon be comparable to the threat of seasonal flu. This was confirmed by the World Health Organization on Friday March 17. “I think we’re getting to the point where we can look at Covid-19 the same way we look at seasonal flu, which is a health threat, a virus that will continue to kill, but a virus that doesn’t disrupt our society or our hospital systems”the head of WHO’s emergency programs, Michael Ryan, said at a press conference.
At his side, the director general of the WHO, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said to himself “very pleased to see that, for the first time, the weekly number of reported deaths over the past four weeks has been lower than when we first used the word ‘pandemic’ three years ago”. “We are certainly in a much better position today than at any time during the pandemic”, he observed. He thus showed himself “confident” about the fact that the WHO could lower its maximum alert level “This year”.