COVID-19 may have originated from lab leak in China, US Department of Energy says

The US Department of Energy now believes that a laboratory accident in China is probably the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new findings revealed by media on Sunday, which nevertheless underline the persistent differences between security agencies. information.

New intelligence elements have tilted the ministry’s analysis on the side of the leak hypothesis, according to anonymous sources cited by the Wall Street Journal, THE New York Times and CNN.

The newspapers insist, however, that this new analysis is published “with a low level of confidence” by the department, which oversees biology laboratories.

The ministry joins, according to the economic daily, the FBI to estimate that the pandemic which arose at the beginning of 2020, killing for nearly 7 million people and shaking up the march of the world for months, is the result of bad manipulation within a Chinese laboratory.

Four other U.S. intelligence agencies believe COVID-19 arose through natural transmission, and two remain undecided, again according to the wall street journal.

“At this time, no definitive answer from the intelligence community has emerged on the matter,” White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan told CNN on Sunday.

In mid-February, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) pledged to do everything to obtain “an answer” on the origins of COVID-19, firmly denying reports that the organization has given up to his investigation.

The scientific community considers it crucial to know the origins of this pandemic to be able to better fight or even avoid the next one.

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