Covid-19: many pharmacies out of stock of self-tests




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France 3 Normandie, B. Drouet, H. Guiraudou, R. Meheust – France 3

France Televisions

Before family meals, the French anticipate and rush to self-tests. In recent days, many pharmacies have been out of stock. Illustration Wednesday, December 22, in a pharmacy near Le Havre.

In a pharmacy located near Le Havre (Seine-Maritime), pread, no self-test is available for sale, Wednesday 22 December. “Since Saturday it hasn’t stopped, we sold lots of self-tests that we had left, and yesterday we eliminated the last ones”, comment Eloise Leriche, pharmacy assistant. The dispensary’s stock, 500 self-tests, was sold in just two days.

Faced with the tense situation, Grégory Herlakian, pharmacist, made an appointment with a sales representative, in the hope of being supplied just before Christmas. “There is a very high demand, and manufacturers did not have time necessary [pour] make as many tests “, explains David Isvy, commercial for laboratories.

The appointments for the antigenic tests carried out in pharmacies are also taken by storm. The 23 employees are overwhelmed by requests. “We reserve them primarily for symptomatic people, contact cases or patients who cannot do home self-tests”, explains Grégory Herlakian.

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