COVID-19 in Quebec | Decrease of 63 hospitalizations, 20 deaths

(Montreal) The current wave of COVID-19 continues to recede in Quebec.

Posted at 2:20 p.m.

According to data released by the Ministry of Health on Saturday, the number of patients in hospitals due to the coronavirus rose from 1,754 to 1,691. There are 53 people in intensive care, six fewer than the day before.

Twenty new deaths were added to the death toll. We now deplore 15,276 deaths linked to COVID-19 since its appearance in Quebec.

The Ministry of Health also reports 798 new cases since the previous report. Authorities have identified more than 1.05 million cases of infection since the start of the pandemic. However, the number of cases listed is not representative of the situation since access to screening centers is restricted to priority clienteles.

According to the VaccinTrackerQC site, 16,165 vaccine doses have been administered in the past 24 hours, largely second booster doses.

The percentage of people aged 5 and over who received a first dose is 91.44%. It is also reported that 87.71% of the Quebec population received a second dose and that 59.28% received a booster dose.

It will be interesting to observe the effects of lifting the wearing of mandatory masks in most public places in Quebec on these data over the coming weeks.

Wearing a face covering is no longer mandatory in public places in Quebec since Saturday, except in public transport and places where care is provided, such as hospitals, CHSLDs and medical clinics.

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