Covid-19: in Montpellier, the end of the vaccine pass perceived as a relief


France 2

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Monday, March 14 marks the end of the vaccination pass in the vast majority of places where it had to be presented: restaurants, cafes, cinemas… The France Télévisions teams went to Montpellier (Herault), to collect the reactions of residents and merchants.

At the entrance to sports halls and cinemas, swimming pools, bars and restaurants, there is a feeling of rediscovered freedom. Monday, March 14 marks the end of the vaccination pass. It didn’t bother me that much either to have to show the pass, but we say to ourselves that we will perhaps be a little more free“, testifies a resident of Montpellier (Herault). For an employee of a restaurant in the city, the end of the pass will above all save time when ordering.

In swimming pools, people are also relieved to no longer have to present the pass, even if for some it had become a habit. For others, on the other hand, it’s the big comeback in the pools. In gyms, unvaccinated customers were also eagerly awaiting the end of the pass. However, the vaccination pass remains compulsory in retirement homes and hospitals.

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