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In Italy, it is impossible to go to the islands or leave them without being vaccinated against Covid-19. Report to procidanear Naples.
The he is Italian are reserved for people vaccinated against Covid-19. The health exception regime that applies is clear: to get on the boats, you need a vaccination pass, called a “green pass” in Italy. The measure concerns tourists, Italians and even the inhabitants of the islands, Arantxa Crespoa Spaniard, is stuck on the island of procidanear Naples. “I could fly from Naples, to return to my country. But I can’t reach Naples from this island, since they don’t allow me to take the boat.” she confides.
According to a study by Parliament, several thousand people have been blocked since January 15, and the introduction of compulsory vaccination in transport. Josephine Nucciresident of procidaconsiders that the ordinance “disregard reality” neither of the “geographic location”. Islands are fragile. AT procidathere is no hospital or intensive care unit. Reducing the number of serious cases by the vaccine is therefore a obligatedation, depending on the state. Local elected officials are worried about tourism.