COVID-19 in China: Xi Jinping calls for ‘protecting’ lives

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday called for measures to “effectively protect people’s lives” as his country faces an outbreak of COVID-19 infections, state television reported.

• Read also: China: half a million cases of COVID-19 a day in a single city

• Read also: Amid COVID surge, China requisitions medical products

This is the Beijing strongman’s first public comment since the sudden abandonment in early December of strict anti-COVID measures, in force since 2020.

Three years after the appearance of the very first cases of coronavirus in Wuhan (center), the country is facing an explosion of cases.

Many hospitals are overwhelmed, pharmacies report shortages of fever medication, while many crematoriums interviewed by AFP reported an unusually high influx of bodies to be cremated.

“The prevention and control of COVID-19 in China is facing a new situation and new tasks,” said Xi Jinping quoted by state television CCTV.

“We need to run a more focused patriotic health campaign […) et bâtir un rempart solide contre l’épidémie», a ajouté Xi Jinping, sans plus de précisions.  

La Chine n’a annoncé officiellement que six morts de la COVID depuis la levée des restrictions.  

Un bilan largement sous-évalué selon nombre d’experts, alors qu’une grande partie des personnes âgées en Chine ne sont pas vaccinées contre la COVID. 

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