Covid-19: German hospitals in difficulty facing the fifth wave



Article written by

L. Desbonnets, P.Montels, M.Werth – France 2

France Televisions

As the fifth wave rages in Europe, Germany faces a growing number of hospitalizations.

Helicopters and ambulances have now become commonplace near hospitals, in order to transfer covid patients to places where there is room to accommodate them. In a hospital in Saarbrücken, Germany, a critically ill patient was rushed to hospital. In great difficulty, the doctors called for help.

According to German television, this fifth wave strikes as much as the first wave in March 2020. In addition, not a day goes by that the authorities do not alarmist statements. German Health Minister Jens Spahn, said the air force was being mobilized to transport patients of a hospital to another. Scientists are calling for the closure of all Christmas markets. General containment is under study, but divides the German population. Yes Angela Merkel wants emergency measures, the latter will leave power in a few days and can no longer impose any restrictions.


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