Covid-19, flu, bronchiolitis … The mask “is becoming necessary again”, according to the Academy of Medicine

The institution recommends the wearing of surgical mask “in closed spaces open to the public”especially public transport.

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As winter approaches, the Academy of Medicine pleads for a return to wearing a mask. In a press release published on Wednesday, November 2the institution recommends wearing a surgical mask “in closed spaces open to the public”and especially in public transport, as the eighth wave of Covid-19 stabilizes “at a high level”that one “flu epidemic early seasonal season becomes clearer” and “bronchiolitis in children under 2 years of age has passed into an epidemic phase throughout the territory”.

>> Health: visualize the extent of the bronchiolitis epidemic in France

“The health situation does not currently require a return to mandatory measures”believes the Academy of Physicians, but it “also justifies a rehabilitation of barrier measures, abandoned since the end of the state of health emergency on July 31, 2022”such as the use “systematic” of hydroalcoholic gel in places open to the public.

She therefore recommends wearing an FFP2 enclosed public spaces” for the elderly or carriers of comorbidities, for the entourage and health professionals who are in contact with vulnerable people, as well as for pregnant women, “even when they are up to date with their vaccinations.”

The surgical mask is recommended for everyone in hospitals, dispensaries, health centers and pharmacies, as well as “in closed spaces open to the public”such as public transport “at peak times”.

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