Covid-19: faced with the resurgence of cases, should we return to wearing a compulsory mask?



France 3

Article written by

P.-Y. Salique, France 3 Regions, S. Gravelaine – France 3

France Televisions

The number of Covid-19 cases is on the rise. the peak is expected end July. As of Thursday, June 30, theWearing a mask and the booster dose are not compulsory.

In Beauvais (Oise)people waiting to perform a PCR test.I’m in contact and I have a good throat and nose, too“, admits a woman. In one week in France, the bar of two million tests is again crossed. In Bordeaux (Gironde)we therefore wonder about the wearing of the mask. Should it be put back?Maybe not now, but surely I’ll put it back yeah“, says a woman.

The government only recommends wearing a mask. The president of the scientific council, Jean-François Delfraissy, approved.In this crisis, which has now lasted two and a half years, we must be scalable“, he judges. However, seven out of ten French people would like the mask to become compulsory again in transport. Doctors agree.

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