COVID-19: Europe experiences a respite comparable to a “ceasefire”

Thanks to the current level of vaccination and the lesser severity of Omicron, Europe is experiencing a respite comparable to a “ceasefire” which could lead to the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, the European branch estimated on Thursday. of the WHO.

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“The pandemic is not over, but we are in the unique position of being able to take control and we should not waste this opportunity,” said Hans Kluge, regional director of the World Health Organization (WHO) during of an online press conference.

Spinning the metaphor, he added, “This period of higher protection should be seen as a ‘ceasefire’ that could bring us lasting peace.” It combines vaccine protection, the end of winter and a less dangerous Omicron variant.

However, this situation of truce can only last if vaccination campaigns and monitoring of new variants are continued, said the official, while several European countries are considerably relaxing their restrictions.

As for the new variants “that will inevitably appear”, “it is possible to respond to them” without re-employing “the type of disruptive measures that we needed before”, affirmed Mr. Kluge.

In the WHO Europe region, which has 53 countries, some of which are located in Central Asia, contamination exploded when the Omicron variant took over, but the health situation is considered less alarming.

Nearly 12 million new cases were recorded last week according to WHO regional data, the highest figure since the start of the pandemic two years ago.

WHO Europe on Thursday called on health authorities to focus on protecting the most vulnerable populations.


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