COVID-19: Dr. Mylène Drouin facing the Omicron wave

The regional director of public health of Montreal, the DD Mylène Drouin, wants students in Montreal elementary schools to undergo a rapid screening test for COVID-19 before their return to class in January. However, Quebec should distribute more self-tests to each student – five will be provided in anticipation of the holidays. According to the DD Drouin, screening could also be done at school the very day of the start of the school year.

“Clearly, this is one of the strategies to get us in January to possibly avoid outbreaks, avoid quickly closing classes, believes the DD Drouin, who spoke with The duty. Of course, we will have to see the availability [des tests rapides] that we have in Quebec. “

It is only a matter of time before the Omicron variant takes over the Delta in Quebec. Eight cases have been confirmed so far in the province, according to the latest update from the National Institute of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ). In Montreal, the regional public health department has identified around 40 suspected cases.

“We do not yet know all the data regarding Omicron and the immune escape, but we can clearly see that it seems to indicate that there is some escape. [au vaccin], says DD Drouin. For people who have three doses, the forms will probably still be less severe. “

The DD Drouin is worried about the fate of the 70 and over living at home. “Beyond the fact that people have not necessarily reached six months [d’intervalle entre la deuxième et la troisième dose], it’s still quite slow, the coverage in this age group, she observes. We are roughly around 50%, including appointments made. She “very strongly recommends” that seniors get a third dose. COVID-19 is circulating in Montreal: 461 cases were recorded there on Monday.

Pandemic fatigue

To limit the transmission of the virus during the holidays, the DD Drouin relies in particular on the vaccination of 5 to 11 year olds. However, she has no illusions. As of December 9, 32.5% of young people in this age category had received a dose, according to the INSPQ. “If we get 50% before Christmas, I’ll be very happy,” she said. Immunization for 5 to 11 year olds will be a long “marathon”, she says.

As for adults, the DD Drouin does not expect the vaccination rate for the third dose to reach the “fairly exceptional” rate for the second. As of December 7, 91% of the Montreal population over the age of 12 had been adequately vaccinated. “Sometimes I pinch myself,” she said.

Public Health must now deal with pandemic fatigue. “Currently, we are quite deconfined, people have the feeling of security with the vaccination and, there, with the arrival of a new variant, it is quite difficult to re-engage the population when it has been two years. [de pandémie] », She explains. Hospitalizations are also less numerous than in previous waves. “We are to say how we live with [ce virus] », Continues the doctor.

For Public Health, case management is “much more complex”, given the number of contacts and circles involved. “People tell us, ‘well there, I’m vaccinated, it will do” “, reports the DD Drouin.

It’s quite difficult to re-engage the population when it’s been two years [de pandémie]

The regional director of public health believes that the year 2022 will be one of transition. “The population must become a little more empowered and autonomous,” she explains. The whole question of self-tests fits into this vision. “

Didn’t Quebec take long to introduce them? “We could perhaps have used them a little earlier in daycare to lighten families”, judge DD Drouin, who specifies that rapid tests should not be used “just like that”. “It would also have allowed us to tame this empowerment, perhaps. “

The DD Drouin remains satisfied with the work accomplished by his troops this year. Montreal avoided the third wave. Schools and businesses remained open in the spring, unlike the Capitale-Nationale and Chaudière-Appalaches regions. A “good shot” from Montreal Public Health, she emphasizes. “I don’t think I can do this again with Omicron because everything is deconfined and we have an even more transmissible variant,” she says. But all in all, we can be proud of the metropolis. “

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Community transmission of Omicron in Canada

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