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For a week, the number of cases of Covid-19 stopped falling. It is even up slightly: there are 64,800 new cases on the evening of Thursday March 10. A week ago itwas 60,000. Yet the government is not backtracking on its schedule for easing health measures.
In a pharmacy in the suburbs of Lille (North)the antigen test counter is back in service. For a week, she has gone from ten tests a day to more than forty. A man comes to be tested because his wife is HIV positive Covid-19 and, despite the absence of symptoms, he learns that he too is positive.
After reaching contamination records in January 2022, the epidemic of Covid-19 seemed to mark time. But, since the beginning of March, the number of positive cases has started to rise again. The return of the children to school, after the February holidays, would be part of the explanations. Another factor explaining this rebound: the Omicron variant has become more contagious. For some epidemiologists, stopping the wearing of masks scheduled for Monday March 14 is premature.