Covid-19: China toughens health rules to stay on course for “zero Covid”


France 2

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The circulation of the Covid-19 started two years ago in China. Today, there is no question for the country to let the virus circulate. Goal zero Covid Beijing’s policy remains. The correspondent Arnauld Miguet, en duplex from Shanghai, sheds light.

To date, on Friday January 7, the China announced 116 new cases of Covid-19, which is already too much depending on the objective set. Indeed, the China has been practically closed since the start of the pandemic, in order to restrict the circulation of the virus as much as possible. Disinfection of the city, strict confinement as at the start of the pandemic in Wuhan, the country redoubles its resources, with the sole objective of eradicating the disease.

The authorities are touting the superiority of their strategy over other countries to Chinese citizens.Especially since the Olympic Winter Games are approaching. (…) The eyes of the whole world will be on Beijing, we must show that this zero Covid strategy works, whatever the flaws and the consequences on the Chinese economy“, concludes Arnauld Miguet, en duplex from Shanghai.

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