COVID-19: China confines city of four million people

Beijing | Chinese authorities imposed confinement on Tuesday in Lanzhou (Northwest), which has four million inhabitants, due to a rebound in COVID-19 cases, a hundred days from the Beijing Winter Olympics.

All living quarters in this city, capital of Gansu province, will be subject to “closed management” with strict movement control, the municipality announced.

Any exit outside the home will now be possible only for “essential purchases”, an imperative linked to the epidemic, or “emergency medical treatment,” said a statement from the authorities.

China nationwide reported 29 new cases of COVID-19 nationwide on Tuesday. The majority are linked to the movements of a group of contaminated tourists.

While the figures may seem paltry compared to those recorded daily in other parts of the world, they are pushing the authorities to redouble their vigilance as China prepares to host the Winter Olympics from February 4, 2022.

A recent outbreak in Inner Mongolia, in the north of the country, has been responsible for more than 100 cases since last week.

The Chinese authorities, which practice a policy of “zero tolerance” towards the virus, reacted swiftly, imposing restrictions and organizing mass screening campaigns in the affected regions.

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