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The question concerning the regulations when a billboard is set up on private land is more topical than ever. The self-proclaimed “Independent Scientific Council” has just set up one in Toulouse, in Haute-Garonne. The collective is opposed to vaccination against Covid and displays it publicly.
Slogans presenting the vaccine against Covid-19 as dangerous appear on a dozen large billboards in Toulouse (Upper Garonne). The messages mention side effects due to the vaccine. Some passers-by say they are shocked, others troubled. “This is very disturbing and it deserves an answer.“Asks a man. “It bothers me because maybe there are people who will read it, think it’s true and not have their children vaccinated.“, thinks a woman. Controversial bodies are behind these messages, such as the self-proclaimed “Independent Science Council”.
The display angers the medical community, which considers it misleading. “When you pass in the street and you come across a billboard that is generally there to sell a product, and there we are falsifying a reality to shoot down a product that saves lives, yes, it’s a real one problem“, says Professor Gilles PialouxHead of the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Department at Tenon Hospital (AP-HP). The town hall says it can’t do anything, because the panels do not present a disturbance to public order and are in private areas.