COVID-19: 875 new cases in Quebec

Quebec reported 875 new cases of COVID-19, but no additional deaths on Sunday.

The unvaccinated accounted for the majority of the new infections reported on Sunday. Among the latest reported cases, 483 people were not vaccinated, 13 had received a first dose of the vaccine and 379 had been doubly vaccinated, the health ministry shared.

Hospitalizations jumped from 11 Sunday to 24 patients hospitalized in general units to receive treatment for COVID-19.

Of these 24 patients, 17 were unvaccinated, one had received a first dose of vaccine and six had received two doses.

The number of intensive care patients remained stable at 48.

Ontario, for its part, reported 964 new cases of COVID-19 on Sunday, bringing the provincial total of cases to 617,015.

The province had not recorded such a high level of cases since May 30.

Of the 964 new cases recorded, data showed that 498 were unvaccinated people, 21 were partially vaccinated, 396 were fully vaccinated and for 49 people, the vaccination status was unknown.


– 446,631 people infected (+875)

– 11,574 deaths (-)

– 216 people hospitalized (+11)

* 22 new entries

* 11 new releases

– 48 people in intensive care (-)

* 8 new entries

* 8 new releases

– The direct debits totaled 28,692 for a total of 14,133,733

– 25,544 doses administered are added for a total of 13,801,550 doses received by Quebecers, including doses administered outside Quebec


  • Ontario: 617,015 cases (9,993 deaths)
  • Quebec: 446,631 cases (11,574 deaths)
  • Alberta: 334,203 cases (3,235 deaths)
  • British Columbia: 217,099 cases (2,322 deaths)
  • Saskatchewan: 80,848 cases (921 deaths)
  • Manitoba: 67,420 cases (1,305 deaths)
  • Nova Scotia: 8,169 cases (108 deaths)
  • New Brunswick: 8,172 cases (123 deaths)
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: 2,048 cases (18 deaths)
  • Northwest Territories: 2,059 cases (12 deaths)
  • Yukon: 1,475 cases (13 deaths)
  • Nunavut: 674 cases (4 deaths)
  • Prince Edward Island: 365 cases
  • Canadian returnees: 13 cases
  • Total: 1,784,352 cases (29,628 deaths)

source site-64
