Every day, franceinfo answers your questions on the radio about current events and their coverage.
Reading time: 19 min

Every day, franceinfo listeners ask their questions via social networks and franceinfo.fr, about current events and their coverage. And the franceinfo editorial team answers. On Monday, September 2, many of you talked to us about the Paralympic Games. Nathalie Ianetta and Philippe Randé, from the sports department of Radio France, are in the studio to answer.
Among the questions, Bruno’s, who says that the inflation of sports information is such on franceinfo, and even disproportionate, that he invites the new director to set up a new specific channel “franceinfo Sport”.
Eliane asks us: why specify “para” before the disciplines? “I find it restrictive, these are athletes who are fighting for a performance.” Cédric, for his part, finds that in the Olympic Games, as in the Paralympic Games, there is too much interest in French athletes. “A little too exclusive, a little arrogant, he said, and disrespectful when the whole world is here.”
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