Covax needs $5.2 billion to continue its action in 2022

So far, the international Covid-19 vaccine distribution system has only received $192 million from donors.

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It is a call for help. The international system Covax, which provides vaccines against Covid-19 to poor countries, assured, Wednesday, January 19, to need 5.2 billion dollars (4.6 billion euros) within three months to finance the doses for 2022.

In detail, Covax needs 3.7 billion dollars (3.3 billion euros) to finance a reserve of 600 million doses, which must ensure a smooth supply and be able to deal with unforeseen events. such as booster doses or vaccines adapted to new variants. Another billion (880 million euros) is intended to help poor countries to prepare and distribute vaccines to avoid wastage. Finally, 545 million dollars (480 million euros) must be used to cover costs such as transport, syringes or insurance.

So far, Covax has received $192 million (€169 million) from donors.

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