This week, destination Courthézon 10 minutes from Orange. And it is in this town of 6,000 inhabitants that the Emmaus Community has been located since 1989, in the Grande Blanche Activity Zone, in the former Courthézon paper mill since 1989.
– Philip Garcia
Here, the community created by Abbé Pierre in 1949 has more than 20 companions; They live there in community for whom life in community in order to integrate through work. The Emmaüs de Courthézon community is supervised by 3 employees; It currently has more than thirty volunteers. Here we collect your objects, furniture IN GOOD CONDITION, clothes, household appliances, toys, resold to individuals, for the benefit of Emmaüs Courthézon.
– Philip Garcia
You can drop off your material donations, furniture, decorative objects, crockery, clothes, etc. directly to the Émmaus community, or have them picked up by the companions, on the phone, provided that everything is in good condition! *
– Philip Garcia
Emmaüs Courthézon is open to the public to do good business by helping the community, on Saturday mornings and afternoons / Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.
– Philip Garcia
Tel: 04 90 70 61 07 / Emmaüs Courthézon, ZA La grange blanche, 748 chemin de la papeterie.