A young woman accuses the author of the hit “La Kiffance”, whose real name is Nabil Boukhobza, of raping her while she slept in a hotel room in October 2021.
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An investigating judge has ordered that rapper Naps be tried for rape before the Paris departmental criminal court, AFP learned from the prosecutor’s office on Wednesday, July 24. A young woman accuses the author of the hit The Kiffancewhose real name is Nabil Boukhobza, of raping her while she slept in a Parisian hotel room in October 2021, the public prosecutor explained.
“Naps contests in full [ces accusations], with the greatest firmness”his lawyer, Nabil Boudi, told AFP. He said he had appealed the order of the investigating magistrate, issued on May 15. Indicted in October 2021, the rapper was placed under judicial supervision.
The case began with a complaint filed on October 1, 2021. In it, “A young woman explained that she had spent the previous evening in an establishment in the 9th arrondissement” Then “having been invited with friends to the table of the rapper Naps”, detailed the floor.
“They then followed him to his room in a hotel near the Gare de Lyon, which was gradually left by the rapper’s friends,” reports the same source. “The young women had fallen asleep and one said she was woken up by sexual intercourse to which she had not consented,” the prosecution continues.