A young woman accuses the author of the hit “La Kiffance”, real name Nabil Boukhobza, of raping her while she slept in a Parisian hotel room in October 2021.
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An investigating judge has ordered that rapper Naps be tried for rape before the Paris departmental criminal court, AFP learned from the prosecutor’s office on Wednesday, July 24. A young woman accuses the author of the hit The Kiffancewhose real name is Nabil Boukhobza, of raping her while she slept in a Parisian hotel room in October 2021, the prosecution explained. His lawyer told AFP that he had appealed the investigating magistrate’s order, issued on May 15.
According to the victim’s story, collected by the weekly Point In October 2021, the events allegedly took place after a meeting with the rapper in a nightclub. The young woman claims that she and the Marseille singer became friends and went to the hotel together. It was at this point that she claims to have been raped.
“She claims (…) that she was unable to push back the alleged attacker because all her limbs were paralyzed (…)“detailed Point, emphasizing then that “absorption of toxic substances [n’était] not proven”.