Coupe de France: Toulouse celebrates its victory in the final



Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

G. Naboulet, A. Brogat, D. Breysse, B. Bervas, France 3 Midi-Pyrenees – France 2

France Televisions

On the evening of April 30, in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), we still celebrate the triumph after the victory in the Coupe de France football. A victory, which was no longer expected after 66 years of waiting.

The Coupe de France sees life in pink at the Capitole in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne). Toulouse footballers are in place with one idea in mind: don’t stop the party anytime soon. They are thousands to come to congratulate them. “It’s been since 1957 since they won so we’ll see that maybe once in our life so we had to be there”says a supporter. Since last night, April 29, Toulouse have had glitter in their eyes.

Toulouse beat Nantes 5 goals to 1

The city has been waiting for this moment for 66 years. During the match, it was already 4-0 after 30 minutes of play. The final was quickly over. Toulouse beat Nantes 5 goals to 1. Last year, however, Nantes won the trophy. The Toulouse club was still playing in the second division last season. It is therefore a great success for football players to ignite the night of a city used to celebrating its rugby team.

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