Coupe de France: scenes of jubilation in Toulouse after the victory in the final


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

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Live from the Place du Capitole in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), Sunday April 30, we find the journalist Alice Brogat where the Toulousains continue to celebrate their victory in the Coupe de France.

Toulouse had been waiting for the Coupe de France title for more than half a century. So, on the evening of April 30, some want to prolong the pleasure. “The supporters live a crazy evening, here place du Capitole (…). Some have been there for four hours already and they don’t want to leave, they want to make the pleasure last until the end”reports journalist Alice Brogat, present on the spot.

The party continues

“They witnessed the departure of their heroes a few moments ago, the TFC players who left the square by bus”she continues. “Earlier, there was that moment of communion when the players held up the trophy in front of a purple crowd, a crowd that wore the colors of the TFC”describes the journalist. The party will continue “in the now purple pink city”she concludes.

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