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In a tense political climate, Emmanuel Macron “shows pragmatism” as journalist Christelle Méral explains, live from the Stade de France, Saturday April 29.
The Head of State will attend the final of the French Football Cup, Saturday April 29, in a tense political climate. “Emmanuel Macron is pragmatic. He will be fine greeting the players before kick-off, as he has done every time since 2017. But he will greet them discreetly, he will not go on the lawn”explains journalist Christelle Merallive from the Stade de France.
“Avoid the image of a president being hissed and booed”
In the same way, Emmanuel Macron will give players from Nantes or Toulouse the cup in the stands “to try to avoid the image of a president being hissed and booed“, says the journalist. “With the thousands of red cards and whistles that have been distributed this afternoon, the president may not escape the marks of discontent”continues Christelle Méral. The next meeting will be May 1. The unions would like to make it a new show of force in order to protest against the pension reform.