coup de theater, a source close to the government affirms that the elections could be canceled!

This Tuesday, December 21, a key question will be raised during a meeting of the presidents of the parliamentary group organized by Prime Minister Jean Castex. Whether or not the 2022 presidential election will indeed take place.

What if Emmanuel Macron honored one more year in his mandate? Surprising as it sounds, it could very well happen. However, in 2000, the President of the Republic Jacques Chirac, following the referendum on the five-year term, had reduced the duration of the presidential mandate from 7 to 5 years. Since then, Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande have both spent 5 years at the Elysée. So why would Emmanuel Macron stay another year?

Quite simply because of the pandemic. Indeed, this Tuesday, December 21, Prime Minister Jean Castex will bring together the presidents of the parliamentary group in the Assembly and the Senate to discuss the health bill that will be presented on January 5, underline our colleagues at the Gala. The coronavirus will therefore be the main subject of this meeting. However, the question of whether the 2022 presidential election will stand will also be part of the debate. Le Parisien reporting that a source close to the government had indicated that the executive was increasingly asking the question: “this will be THE subject, but we don’t know where we will be in April 2022, we cannot guarantee that we will not be in 7th wave”.

More and more concern is the Omicron variant, and it is spreading at breakneck speed. So much so that we still do not know, even by accelerating the vaccination campaign, if we will be able to avoid a new wave. It is precisely because of this that nobody knows in what situation the country will find itself in April 2022. Date on which the French will have to go to the polls to elect their new Head of State. We should know more about whether or not the 2022 presidential election will be held in the coming days and maybe even this afternoon.

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