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In France, 57,500 industrial jobs were destroyed in 2020, and the reindustrialization is essential in the programs of the candidates. In this issue of “Country Road”, the 19/20 went to Decazeville (Aveyron)a former mining town which is today hit hard by the difficulties of the automobile industry.
In the town of Decazeville (Aveyron)the announced closure of the Aveyronnaise Metallurgy Society (SAT)which employs 333 people, was a real shock. A few weeks before the presidential election, SAM employees intend to weigh in on the debate, even if some no longer hope for anything from the declared candidates. Several of them even burned their electoral cards.
A quarter of the accommodation is empty and half of the shops abandoned in the town. This industrial basin had more than 30,000 inhabitants 50 years ago, but with the closure of the mines, there are 18,000 today. AT their eyes, no candidate for the presidential election is really interested in their case, despite the promises of reindustrialization from the country.