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If purchasing power is the first priority of the French, security stands out as an important marker in the programs of the 2022 presidential candidates. Incivility, attacks, areas of lawlessness, here is the new issue of our “Country Road” meeting. What do you expect from the future President?
This is a subject that has become unavoidable in public debate: security, one of the main concerns of the French. So inevitably, all the presidential candidates seize it. First stop on the country road: Mont-de-Marsan in the Landes, a town reputed to be quiet, but where the incivilities of everyday life are worrying more and more. Last fall, Philippe parrotthe manager of a pharmacy in the north of the city has been the victim of a black series: burned garbage cans, broken windows, and even the assault of one of his medicine delivery men.
The manager has installed two surveillance cameras near his pharmacy. The solution to protect himself, he therefore found it himself. So when he is presented with the presidential candidates, he thinks he is voting white. In the heart of the priority district of Peruattwo neighbors of an HLM city also express their insecurity, and are considering an “extreme” vote. In the Saint-Michel district of Bordeaux (Gironde)where unaccompanied minors have settled, a shopkeeper deplores the candidates’ lack of connection to reality.