Country Queen Dolly Parton named 2021 Personality of the Year by “People” magazine for her “mega-philanthropy”

At 75, it’s not her first magazine cover Dolly Parton, but this time around, the country music star isn’t named for her vocals or record sales, but for “his generosity, writing People, its mega-philanthropy“.

And to list the singer’s latest donations: $ 700,000 in October for flood victims in Tennessee; 170 million books distributed to children under 5 to promote learning to read; and then, above all, what perhaps made the most noise, a million dollars paid at the end of 2020 to the University of Nashville to finance the research of the Moderna vaccine against the Covid-19. All this in addition to the millions she gives every time there is a natural disaster, but also to finance hospitals in her region or provide scholarships for precarious students.

Dolly Parton gives, discreetly, often. And she doesn’t really like to answer the question “Why ?”. “JI’m giving away because by doing that I know I’m doing something good for someone else, but it kinda annoys me to be on the cover for it, I don’t want to be worshiped. Simply, the more we give, the more we find ourselves wanting to give more. If it can serve as an example, she concludes, well so much the better. “ Dolly Parton is not a billionaire, but she regularly draws from her 350 million fortune, for, she says, “give back what she received “. Born in 1946, she grew up in a poor family of farmers in Tennessee, fourth in the midst of a family of twelve children.

She started singing at 11, then at 18 left for Nashville where she began the career that would lead her to sell 100 million albums, win nine Grammys, see herself crowned queen of country, and especially benefit today of a rather exceptional aura. Dolly Parton appeals to everyone: Republicans and Democrats, rappers and rockstars, baby boomers and teens of the 2000s. Just type her name in the Twitter search bar to realize it, and see that, even if that embarrassment, it is set up as an example, proof that in these troubled times generosity and empathy are still very successful.

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