could the sector be financed by the livret A?


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

C.Tixier, L.Bazizin, J.Bigard, C.Vignal, J.-J.Buty, N.Sadok – France 2

France Televisions

Emmanuel Macron intends to launch the construction of 6 nuclear reactors. To finance them, he could use the billions of euros based on the A booklets.

And if the money that sleeps on your booklet A was used to pay for investments in nuclear power? The idea made its way within the government because the state wants to build six new nuclear reactors by 2035. This represents a colossal budget of 51.7 billion euros. Today, 375 billion euros are based on booklets A. “It can bring a financial windfall immediately and not have to resort to a loan on the market. It also makes it possible to share the risks between the taxpayers and the investor and to give visibility over time on the investment”explains Nicolas Goldberg, energy specialist.

Sulk the booklet A

Today, the money placed in the livret A is used to finance the construction of social housing. But, the French could be reluctant to the idea that the agent is used for nuclear. “I am surprised that the state does not have other means to pay for its investments”said a man. Others think of sulking the booklet A if this scenario happened.

Among our sources:

  • Caisse des dépôts et consignations which manages part of the balance of the Livret A account
  • Nicolas Goldberg: energy specialist at Columbus Consulting, a consulting firm for organisations, companies faced with major transformations.

Non-exhaustive list.

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