could assisted suicide be considered in France?



Article written by

F.Prabonnaud, A.Chopin, E.Bailly X.Roman, V.Travert, J.-A.Balcells, J.Durand – France 2

France Televisions

On Tuesday, September 13, the ethics committee showed itself open to assisted suicide for certain serious or incurable illnesses with a vital prognosis committed in the medium term.

Could assisted suicide happen in France, as in Switzerland or Belgium? On Tuesday, September 13, the end of life is governed by the Claeys-Leonetti law of 2016. This authorizes deep and continuous sedation until death for a patient suffering from a serious and incurable condition with a short life-threatening prognosis. term. This law excludes assisted suicide. Some patients therefore go abroad, but this has a cost.

The ethics committee, for its part, has paved the way for assisted suicide for adults suffering from serious or incurable illness with a medium-term vital prognosis. “In the medium term, that is to say covering a few weeks or a few months. We can cite certain neurological conditions, we can cite certain cancers”, explains Jean-François Delfraissy, president of the National Consultative Ethics Committee (CCNE). The patient should express his request in a free, informed and repeated way. A citizens’ convention on the end of life will take place from October.

– The opinion of the National Ethics Advisory Committee

– The 2016 law on the end of life

Non-exhaustive list.

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