Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce | Man stabbed after conflict

A 44-year-old man was injured Wednesday after a dispute broke out with another man. The suspect was apprehended by the Montreal City Police Service (SPVM).

According to police information, the armed assault occurred in the afternoon on Sherbrooke Street West, near Beaconsfield Avenue. A call was made to 911 around 2:10 p.m., after which patrol officers were dispatched to the scene.

When they arrived, they provided assistance to the stabbed victim, who was taken care of by Urgences-santé paramedics. According to the SPVM, he was conscious when he was transported to a hospital, but his state of health was still unclear at the time these lines were written.

Shortly after, police arrested a man aged around 45, not far from the scene. This must be met by investigators, who will try to shed light on this event.

According to preliminary information held by the SPVM, however, “a conflict broke out between the two men” and the suspect stabbed the victim, before trying to flee.

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