Costumes from “Squid Game”: Legault in turn deplores the decision of the school principals

After the release of his Minister of Education to deplore the decision of certain school principals to ban any costume inspired by the series “Squid Game”, Prime Minister François Legault added on Friday, describing the gesture as ” extreme ”and“ not acceptable ”.

• Read also – Squid Game: popular disguises despite the ban

• Read also – Disguises at school: the fear of being afraid

“Me, when I was young, we disguised ourselves as a witch, a monster, but it’s not because we wanted to support witches and monsters,” he recalled, answering journalists’ questions afterwards. a press conference on the Côte-du-Sud.

“Here we are in a society where soon we will no longer have the right to do anything,” he worried.

With the growing popularity of the series “The Squid Game”, or “Squid Game” in English, directors are banning any costume referring to this violent production for Halloween activities taking place at their school, reported “Le Journal de Québec ”, Thursday.

A decision contested by the Minister of Education, Jean-François Roberge, who recently signed an open letter with his French counterpart. Entitled “The school for freedom, against obscurantism”, the letter opposes what the ministers qualify as “excesses linked to the culture of cancellation”.

In the school network, school administrators rather criticize Minister Roberge for interfering in the management of schools.

“As he has said so often, decisions must be made by those who know the students by name,” said Kathleen Legault, president of the Montreal Association of School Administrators.

However, according to François Legault, it is rather a question of “having a balance” and this tendency to prohibit certain costumes or works “is a problem which is not unique to Quebec and that is why the Minister of Education of Quebec wrote a letter with the Minister of Education of France ”.

“When it comes to the world burning” Tintin “, I think we exaggerate,” he commented on Friday.


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