Corsica: new clashes in front of a CRS barracks


Article written by

L.Feuerstein, A.Lay, N.Dahan, C.La Rocca, S.Lerch, J.Pires – France 2

France Televisions

Tension is rising in Corsica after the violent incidents of Sunday March 27. Clashes broke out in front of the CRS barracks in Furiani. These are accused of having sung the Marseillaise during the funeral of Yvan Colonna.

The clashes continued throughout the evening, Sunday March 27 in Bastia. Some activists, mostly nationalists, have confronted the CRS of the barracks of Furiani. One little more early, 500 protesters had gathered outside the facility. The controversy was sparked by a video taken the day of Yvan’s funeral Colonna. CRS in civilian clothes were filmed singing the Marseillaise.

For the police unions, it was a gathering around a meal, but for some Corsicans, it is a provocation. “We are in the middle of a period of mourning for a family and we sing, we have fun, we shout, it’s lamentable”said a man. In Ajaccio (South Corsica)200 demonstrators were also gathered in front of another barracks with a banner reading “France fora” (The France outside). Monday March 28, the tension is down, but many understand the anger against the CRS. “If it’s voluntary on their part, I understand the annoyance of the people who gathered”says a man.

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