Corsica is preparing for the arrival of the Omicron “tsunami”

Corsica engaged in a race against time!

The “Omicron” variant detected in Corsica in two people in recent days confirms that it is extremely contagious. Guest of the RCFM morning, Marie – Hélène Lecenne indeed indicates that “270 positive cases for the Omicron variant have been recorded on the island“. The situation is worrying. And the prospects in island hospitals are not very encouraging.”We are on a high plateau of the 5th Delta wave and we have an Omicron tsunami coming“adds Marie-Hélène Lecenne.”More than ever, everyone must be aware of the importance of the vaccine booster. During this festive end-of-year period, it is important to return to strict respect for barrier gestures. And vaccination protecting serious forms is an essential element“again indicates the director of the ARS of Corsica.

Omicron doubles the number of cases every two days

If we want to win the race against time against the Omicron variant, that is to say to avoid the doubling of cases every two days or so, a calculation verified in other countries affected by the variant, we must really do this booster dose.“specifies the ARS.

In this context, the idea of ​​a return to confinement remains possible. Everything will be done to avoid it, certainly. The decision could come at the end of the Council of Ministers next week.

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