“Corpses in the streets”, “Bombs” galore… These terrible memories that never cease to haunt him!

For several decades, Etienne Daho has distinguished himself with panache in song. Authentic and sensitive, the star never ceases to amaze her fans with her art. “Going through time is a source of pride. It’s a story that was written together. In fact, with the public, it is something very powerful. Something to which I attach great importance and great gratitude. It’s a fantastic gift. It is done with others, it is the others who identify you, who offer you a place”analyzed the artist for RTL.

When Etienne Daho is in the studio, he never puts pressure on himself! “I only trust my instincts and let myself be carried away. I’ve made albums that are very different from each other. There is a unity that must be my voice. I imagine that we have a style without noticing it. I had never learned to sing. I left college, I sang as I spoke and it remained a trademark, appreciated or caricatured. But in any case, it is a trademark, he added.

“My sisters and I had to avoid dead bodies in the street…”

Few know it, but the singer has come a long way. His childhood was not a long calm river… Quite the contrary! Subject that the main interested party has agreed to discuss in the columns of Paris Match.“These years are founding, but I lived longer in London than in Algeria”, entrusted the interpreter of “Weekend in Rome” to our colleagues. “It is all these bits put together that make me. In Algeria, life was complicated because of the war, but as a child, you get along with everything and you can even play under the bombs. My sisters and I had to avoid dead bodies in the street, bend down to go under windows for fear of taking a bullet, lie down in cars when we were driving”.

Arriving in Europe, Etienne Daho and his family were able to turn the page and move forward: “When I arrived at school in France, my little friends had a normal life, they lived with their two parents, which was not at all my case. So I tried to make myself invisible. This lasted until adolescence when, all of a sudden, people thought I was cool”. It is said !


to see also: For the first time, the star doctor and TV host Michel Cymes evokes a painful memory of his childhood

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