Coronation of King Charles III | Justin Trudeau and his wife attended the ceremony

(London) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Governor General Mary Simon and astronaut Jeremy Hansen were among Canadian dignitaries at Westminster Abbey on Saturday morning to attend the coronation of King Charles III.

It was drizzling as the Canadian delegation entered this historic church.

Indigenous leaders were also on the Canadian guest list, including Assembly of First Nations National Chief RoseAnne Archibald, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami President Natan Obed and Métis National Council President Cassidy Caron. .

Meanwhile in Canada, onlookers and observers had activated their alarm clocks very early in the morning so as not to miss anything of the ceremony in London, even if the polls suggest that many are lukewarm about the event – and at new monarch.

In an interview before the coronation, Ralph Goodale, Canada’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, underlined the close ties between the two countries.

He cited the prominent position of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in the procession and the fact that Charles met with Canadian Indigenous leaders just before the coronation.

“As a member of the Commonwealth, Canada is recognized as having a very close and enduring relationship with the United Kingdom and the monarchy. Canada’s participation in these activities is very important,” Mr. Goodale said.

“If you look at the mall, in the middle of all the Union Jacks, the first non-British flag you will see is the Canadian flag. Canada has this distinction within the Commonwealth and it is important to us and to Buckingham Palace,” he said.

According to Mr. Goodale, a Canadian tour of King Charles is “in the planning stages”.

“The options are currently being considered as to the time of year and then there will be the difficult questions of where they would go. Choosing the route will be difficult,” Mr. Goodale said.

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