Video length: 2 min.
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Saturday, May 6, from 12 p.m. French time, the coronation ceremony of King Charles III and Camilla will be broadcast worldwide. A moment in history for the British monarchy. It has been 70 years since the country has seen such an event.
On the Mall opposite Buckingham Palace, the excitement is measured by the number of Union Jacks and crowns. AT two days of celebrations, London is putting on its 31st to celebrate its king. Preparations with a little taste of impatience for the spectators who arrived in advance. “It’s part of our history, it brings joy”said a woman. “It’s going to be the experience of a lifetime”, bids a Briton. A rising royal fever, and within reach of the train, for many French tourists.
Souvenir shops are always full
The occasion was unmissable, for these fans of the royal family. “Even if I’m not English, I need to be there, I need to experience this with them”, says Isabelle Lamirault. A grandfather decided on a whim to cross the English Channel, so that his grandson could witness the event. For them as for many, the souvenir shops will be a must. They haven’t been empty for days. While London is boiling, in the English countryside, it’s time for concentration, for amateur bell ringers, in full rehearsal. On Saturday, they will chime for two hours to celebrate their king.