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It’s a very special week that begins for the British, since Saturday, May 6, Charles III will be crowned king, 70 years after the coronation of his mother. Two highlights: Westminster Abbey and of course Buckingham Palace, in front of which Odile Longueval is standing.
In four days from now, there will be a lot of people to attend the family photo on the balcony of Buckingham Palace in London (United Kingdom). “Here in Buckingham, all the stands are set up and some are even already starting to camp to get the best seat on Saturday”, reports Odile Longueval, special correspondent at Buckingham Palace. It’s also time for the last rehearsals before the coronation.
“Print a more modern brand”
“For example, on Sunday April 30 in the afternoon, several thousand soldiers met at an air base an hour from London, to train before their parade on the Mall, the famous avenue that leads to Buckingham Palace. “, says Odile Longueval. A page of history will indeed turn this weekend, “with the passage from the era of Elizabeth II to that of Charles III, who seems to want to leave his mark, more modern”concludes the journalist.