Corinne Touzet “far from being an exceptional mother”: frank confidences about her daughter Jeanne

Corinne Touzet returns to TF1 this Monday evening in Camping Paradise. For one episode, she joins Laurent Ournac’s band in the guise of Martine, Stephanie’s mother (played by Juliette Chêne). On this occasion, the 62-year-old actress granted an interview to TV Major Channels. She mentions in particular this new character who will feel the need to get closer to her daughter after having privileged her personal life. Our colleagues then drew a parallel with Corinne Touzet’s own daughter, asking her if she too had to put her career on hold to Joan (27 years old).

I don’t think I needed it“, she estimated with honesty. And if she could make mistakes, the actress is delighted to have always maintained a beautiful relationship with Jeanne. “I am far from being an exceptional mother, but I have always been very close to her.. I played and traveled a lot with her. There, we have just made a trip to Canada. I’m a big troublemaker and I have a very particular laugh. Sometimes she has to tell me: ‘But stop laughing like that!‘”, she had fun telling.

Corinne Touzet separated from the father of her daughter

This fusional relationship is probably explained by the fact that Corinne Touzet raised her daughter alone. Indeed, Jeanne is the fruit of the past romantic relationship of her famous mother with a man whose identity we do not know. The couple separated six years after her birth, forcing the actress to adapt her daily life according to the needs of her only child. “In particular, I refused filming abroad. But that really wasn’t a problem. My daughter is the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me in the world. It’s the love of my life. We have a wonderful relationship. She is my friend and I am hers. We said it to each other last year and it blew me away. To have succeeded is the most important thing for me.“, she explained to Gala in 2021.

Jeanne got on well with her mother, but she did not want to follow in her footsteps as an actress and chose to become a stylist. “She has found her vocation and it is an immense happiness for a parent to say that her child has found her way. (…) I am proud and happy for her! If she had wanted to be an actress, I would have been so worried that I think I would have hung myself from the chandelier!“, confessed with relief Corinne Touzet in 2016 in the pages of Pocket TV.

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