Corinne Masiero forced into prostitution for a living!

You were able to see her again this Friday August 12 in an episode of the already cult series Captain Marleau on France 2.

It’s been years since the actress won over viewers with her character as a cheeky policeman with an inimitable look, with her trapper’s hat screwed on the chef. And the least we can say is that Corinne Masiero is as cash in the city as on the screen.

A born provocateur, she had no hesitation in making a very noticeable appearance, walking naked on stage during the 2021 Césars ceremony to defend the cause of intermittent performers. Because the actress has never ceased to put her talent and her notoriety in favor of the most deprived, of those who suffer. An almost natural commitment for someone who knows what being hungry and having no roof means. “We can all find ourselves in this situation”she confided, especially the way things are going today. It happened to me, I found myself on the street, a very long time ago. A bereavement, an illness, a separation can rock someone. That’s what’s scary. That’s why we tend to move on when we meet a guy in squalor on the sidewalk.

With all the frankness of which Corinne is capable, she candidly describes the extremities to which this rough existence has led her: “I was sneaking around when I needed money or just to sleep over at someone’s house. Otherwise, I slept in a corner of a window, a park, a garage, a squat… or in an office that I cleaned during the day”. This heavy past has made her an actress but also a unique character, with an obvious sensitivity despite her side ‘big mouth'”.

He still sticks to her skin, to the point that she is not very comfortable with certain aspects of celebrity, in particular selfies: “As long as it stays within the framework of festivals or screenings, it is always with great pleasure, but when you go through a period that is not funny, it is more complicated. But hey, these are problems of the rich”. She is like that Corinne. If it did not exist, it would have to be invented.

See also: “A dog punk who swallowed a yellow vest!” : Corinne Masiero violently tackled by a famous French comedian!


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