Corinne Deacon dismissed from her position as coach of the France team

The executive committee of the French Football Federation, which met on Thursday, sealed the fate of the coach of Les Bleues, whose mandate began in August 2017.

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Corinne Deacon’s adventure at the head of the France team has come to an end. The 48-year-old coach, in office since August 30, 2017, was dismissed by the Comex (executive committee) of the French Football Federation, Thursday March 9, nine days after the resignation of Noël Le Graet, according to information from the sports department of Radio France. This decision comes following the withdrawal of several international tricolors, mounted in the niche against the system put in place within the France team, and which finally got the better of the coach.

The numerous hearings carried out made it possible to establish the observation of a very significant divide with executive players and highlighted a discrepancy with the requirements of the very high level. This fracture has reached a point of no return which harms the interests of the selection“, writes the FFF in a press release. “If the FFF recognizes the involvement and the seriousness of Corinne Deacon and her staff in the exercise of their mission, it appears that the malfunctions observed seem, in this context, irreversible. In view of these elements, it was decided to put an end to the mission of Corinne Deacon at the head of the French women’s team”continues the press release.

The tricolor captain Wendie Renard, selected 142 times, launched the first cry of alarm, Friday February 24, on her social networks : “I can no longer endorse the current system, far from the requirements required by the highest level. It’s a sad but necessary day to preserve my sanity”.

Tight timing five months from the World Cup

The announcement of the Lyon defender, followed by Kadidiatou Diani, Marie-Antoinette Katoto and Perle Morroni, had the effect of a bomb. Many personalities, such as American stars Megan Rapinoe and Alex Morgan or Lyon coach Sonia Bompastor, have thus supported the decision of the four French women, leading the Comex to take drastic measures against Corinne Deacon. Five months before the next World Cup to be played in Australia and New Zealand (July 20-August 20), time is running out.

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