Coralie Dubost: The politician and her companion violently attacked in Paris

It’s a horrible evening that Coralie Dubost spent in the capital. Tuesday, October 19, the LREM member of the 3rd district of Hérault and her companion were attacked by “three or four men” as they left a Parisian restaurant located in the 7th arrondissement. As the site reports The Dispatch which echoes Free noon, the politician and her partner were violently attacked and had their most precious possessions stolen.

According to CNews, the attackers did “fall the member to steal her handbag. Her companion was also thrown to the ground by the kidnappers who strangled him before stealing his Rolex brand watch and his wallet”. In all, the thieves left with a jackpot of around a thousand euros. The former companion of the Minister of Health Olivier Véran, despite the shock and the violence suffered during this theft, went to the National Assembly this Wednesday, October 20. There, she was reportedly examined by a doctor. Neither Coralie Dubost nor her companion had to be hospitalized after this assault, which, fortunately, left them no physical traces.

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