CORAL COCKTAIL, to celebrate coral lentils!


A coral lentil soup flavored with a few spices and coconut milk, enhanced with orange or clementine juice, transformed into a cocktail to savor it as it deserves.

An aperitif soup – like all soups – served as a cocktail as an aperitif!

Coral lentils are de-coated red lentils.

*Like all lentils, it is preferable to pass them under cold water to dust them off, then to soak them the day before in water at room temperature so that they will cook more quickly.

**The garam masala can be replaced by colombo, curry or another spice.

Per person :

½ unpeeled onion

2 tbsp coral lentils*

4 tbsp coconut milk

1 tsp (or less or more) garam masala**

Salt and pepper

Juice of 1 clementine or 1/2 orange

For decoration, ½ peeled clementine or small pieces of storm

Onion, lentils, half of the milk, half of the spices are placed in a stewpan with water to height + 3 heights of water. Salt and pepper. Bring to the boil then lower the flame and cook for 25 minutes over medium heat, taking care that it does not boil over. Remove the onion, rid it of its skin, put it back in the pot and mix. Add the juice and mix and set aside. Whisk the milk until frothy. Pour the hot or cold lentil preparation into a bowl, spread the frothed milk over it, sprinkle the rest of the garam masala over it, Serve with the separate clementine quarters. Nice kitchen to all, Régine

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